
East Midlands

Child Documents

The Race Equality Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire
The Race Equality Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire offers these services: Advice on racial harassment and discrimination, particularly around employment, housing, education and statutory service provision. Promote equality of opportunity, work towards the elimination if racial discrimination. Advice for asylum seekers and refugees.
Home-Start Dukeries
Home-Start Dukeries offers these services: Support, friendship and practical help for families with at least one child aged under 5 who are experiencing stress or difficulties. Families are visited at home by trained volunteers, who have parenting experience.
Derby CAB
Derby CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits/welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt. Phone advice Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, Weds 1pm-7pm. Outreach services at GP surgeries across the city, phone 01332 347818 for details. Home visiting service for clients unable to access the bureau because of disability or caring responsibilities.
Sure Start Beaumont Leys and Stocking Farm
Sure Start Beaumont Leys and Stocking Farm offers these services: Support and services for pre-school children and parents. Playgroup, creche and play sessions. Advocacy for children with special needs. Advice on health care and child development, including pregnancy advice and post-natal support. Outreach services. Home visiting. Support for teenage parents.
Loughborough Youth Affairs
Loughborough Youth Affairs offers these services: Youth centre used by wide range of groups. Advice for young people on a range of issues, including benefits, housing problems, family problems. Youth projects. Disability project. Young carers project. Support for young people who self-harm. Refugee/asylum seekers group. Women's and men's groups. Holiday activities. Outreach services.
Nottinghamshire Victim Support
Nottinghamshire Victim Support offers these services: Emotional and practical support, advice and information for people who have been victims or witnesses of crime.
Northampton Women's Aid
Northampton Women's Aid offers these services: 24 hour advice, information and emergency access to safe refuge accommodation for women and their children who are experiencing or who have experienced domestic violence. Drop-in service 9.30am-4.30pm Monday-Friday. Floating support schemes for aftercare support and for those women who do not need refuge accommodation and can be supported in their own homes. Counselling service also provided.