

Child Documents

Alzheimer Scotland - Inverclyde
Alzheimer Scotland - Inverclyde offers these services: Range of services for people with dementia and their families and carers. Day care and evening care. Support for carers. Information and advice on all aspects of dementia. Day services run from The Innerkip Club, The Dutch Gable House, 14 William Street, Greenock.
Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service - Dumfries
Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service - Dumfries offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment rights, housing and homelessness, money and debt.
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland - West Lothian
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland - West Lothian offers these services: Information and advice for anyone who has been affected by a death. Support and one-to-one counselling. Education and support, information and publications for anyone supporting someone who has been bereaved.
Health in Mind
Health in Mind offers these services: Range of projects for people who are experiencing or who have experienced mental health difficulties. Befriending, information resource centre, women's support group, black and minority ethnic men's project. Counselling for adult survivors of sexual abuse. Also undertake campaigning, education and information work and are involved in the planning and development of mental health services.
YMCA Glasgow
YMCA Glasgow offers these services: Range of youth and community, residential and leisure programmes. Drop-ins, counselling services, advice and information services, group work and activities for young people. Resettlement and support team working with rough sleepers and a young adults detached project. Accommodation and support for asylum seekers.
Glasgow CAB - Bridgeton
Glasgow CAB - Bridgeton offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt. Representation at employment and benefit tribunals and at the Sheriff's court.
Health Scotland Library
Health Scotland Library offers these services: Health information resource for the whole of Scotland. Main focus is on health promotion and public health, but also deals with general health enquiries. Range of databases available to users, including information on self-help groups, journal articles, books and consumer health information.
Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard
Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard offers these services: Helpline for lesbians, gay men and people with concerns about their sexuality. Offers information, advice and support. Also runs a social group (2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month), email support service, safer sex information, befriending. Gay switchboard on 0131 556 4049 every evening and Lesbian Line on 0131 557 0751 Monday and Thursday only.
Elgin Samaritans
Elgin Samaritans offers these services: Telephone helpline operating 24 hours every day offering emotional support for anyone in crisis. Listening and befriending for people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. Or write to: Chris, PO Box 9090, Stirling FK8 2SA. National Samaritans number can put callers through without delay to their nearest unengaged branch.
Home-Start Aberdeen
Home-Start Aberdeen offers these services: Emotional support, befriending and practical help for families with at least one child under 5, who are experiencing difficulties. Families are visited regularly by volunteer befrienders who are usually parents themselves. Family groups held in Mastrick (Tuesday) and Kinorth (Thursday) 12.30pm - 2.30pm.
Legal Services Agency - Glasgow
Legal Services Agency - Glasgow offers these services: Legal advice and representation on a range of issues - mental health, community care, debt, housing, homelessness, benefits and immigration. Advice line Thurs 11am - 1pm. Mental health advice line Tuesday 11am - 1pm. General drop-in legal advice surgery Wednesdays 11am - 12.30pm and 2pm - 4pm. Advice and representation at eviction hearings at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Tuesdays.
West of Scotland Seniors Forum
West of Scotland Seniors Forum offers these services: Umbrella body for local senior forums in the West of Scotland. Raise awareness of issues affecting older people and ensure that decision makers and service providers are informed about older peoples’ needs. Run the 'Are You Cold?' helpline which provides information and advice for people over 60 in the Greater Glasgow area on how to be warm within their homes.
Ethnic Minorities Law Centre (Glasgow)
Ethnic Minorities Law Centre (Glasgow) offers these services: Legal advice and representation for ethnic minority communities in Glasgow on a range of issues - immigration and asylum, welfare rights, employment, and race discrimination.
MECOPP Carers Centre
MECOPP Carers Centre offers these services: Services for carers from minority ethnic communities who are caring for adults aged 25+ in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Individual and group support. Casework and advocacy, advice and information. Carers' health and wellbeing service. Education and training, volunteering opportunities and service and policy development. Resource library with multilingual materials on health and social topics.
Kingsway Court Health and Wellbeing Centre
Kingsway Court Health and Wellbeing Centre offers these services: Centre for the local community with a range of activities and services. Advice and information on health, benefits, money and debt and refugee and asylum seeker issues. Drop-in and lunch club for pensioners. Women's group. English language classes. Youth groups for girls and boys.
Victoria Family Centre
Victoria Family Centre offers these services: Support, advice and guidance for families with children aged up to 12. Daycare for children under 5. After school club for children aged 5-12. Support for children in families affected by substance misuse. Parents groups. Parent and child groups.
NSF Scotland - Glengarry Centre
NSF Scotland - Glengarry Centre offers these services: Drop-in centre offering social support for people with mental health problems, including a cafe, recreational facilities and regular outings. Open on alternative Wednesdays until 7pm, with tea from 5pm and alternate Saturdays 10am - 4pm.
Alzheimer Scotland - North Aberdeenshire Services
Alzheimer Scotland - North Aberdeenshire Services offers these services: Range of services for people with dementia and their families and carers. Day care services. Home support. Support for carers and information and advice on dementia and caring issues. Carers' support group meeting 1st Wednesday of the month 10am - 12 noon.
Victim Support - Edinburgh
Victim Support - Edinburgh offers these services: Practical help and emotional support for victims of crime, including help with insurance and compensation claims.
Shakti Women's Aid
Shakti Women's Aid offers these services: Advice, information, counselling, support and temporary accommodation for black women and women from ethnic minority communities and their children escaping domestic violence. Information on housing, benefits, legal issues, immigration, nationality, racial harassment and health. Service is run by black women.
Dundee Community Mediation
Dundee Community Mediation offers these services: Mediation for neighbours who are in dispute.
Amina Muslim Women's Helpline
Amina Muslim Women's Helpline offers these services: Information, advice and listening support for Muslim women. Help with a range of concerns including family matters, marriage, domestic abuse, leisure activities suitable for Muslim women. Part of the Muslim Women's Resource Centre which provides a drop-in centre, information, advice, advocacy, counselling and befriending. Referrals and signposting to specialist services when required.
MEHIP - Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Project
MEHIP - Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Project offers these services: Aim to link people from minority ethnic communities with primary health care services and to improve the accessibility and appropriateness of services across Lothian. Provide information and advice and a link worker/advocacy service. Also plan and support the delivery of health improvement programmes for minority ethnic communities.
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre (Cumnock)
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre (Cumnock) offers these services: Advice, information and support for carers. Subjects covered include benefits, disability, debt, health, mental health, learning disability, respite care and transport and mobility. Young carers groups Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4pm-6pm, Thursday 5pm-7pm.
The Well - Asian Information and Advice Centre
The Well - Asian Information and Advice Centre offers these services: Drop-in service for the local Asian communities and for asylum seekers and refugees. Advice and information on welfare benefits, education and training, employment, finding accommodation, money/debt, accessing local services and racial harassment. Range of classes and activities. Support for churches working in multi-faith areas.
Stirling Women's Aid
Stirling Women's Aid offers these services: Advice, information, counselling and support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence. Refuge with accommodation for 7 families. Drop-in service and follow up support available. Out of hours emergency line Friday - Sunday (until 10pm).
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre offers these services: Advice, information and support for carers. Subjects covered include benefits, disability, health, mental health, learning disability, respite care and transport and mobility. Young carers groups Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4-6pm, Thursday 5-7pm. Outreach work with carers in the community.
Black Community Development Project (BCDP)
Black Community Development Project (BCDP) offers these services: Advice, advocacy, casework and support for people from the black and minority ethnic communities who are experiencing racial discrimination and harassment. Advice and information on welfare benefits, housing, health, immigration and nationality. Group work, including a group for Chinese women, a black tenants support group, and a group for women from all minority ethnic communities.
Eglinton Disability Resource Centre
Eglinton Disability Resource Centre offers these services: Advice, information, assistance and practical support for people with disabilities. Services offered include a job coach, personal assistance adviser, disability forums, occupational therapists and technicians. Loan equipment service. Display area showing the latest in barrier-free technology and equipment. Maintenance, installation and repair service for aids and adaptations.
Alzheimer Scotland - Glasgow & East Dunbartonshire
Alzheimer Scotland - Glasgow & East Dunbartonshire offers these services: 5 projects across Glasgow and East Dunbartonshire providing a range of services for people with dementia and their families and carers. Day care, home support, befriending, drop-in centres, welfare benefits advice. Support for carers, including support groups.
Mental Health Aberdeen
Mental Health Aberdeen offers these services: Range of services for people with mental health problems or those experiencing stress or emotional difficulties. Aberdeen Counselling and Information Service (ACIS), based at 1 Alford Place, AB10 1YD, offers counselling and information on mental health issues. Alford Centre provides a supportive social centre for people with significant mental health problems. Also run residential projects.
Temple Elderly Community Care Service
Temple Elderly Community Care Service offers these services: Range of services for older people (60+). Day care, lunch club, dementia care, outreach and home support services.
Multi-Cultural Elderly Care Centre
Multi-Cultural Elderly Care Centre offers these services: Day care for ethnic minority older people (aged 50+) from a diverse range of backgrounds. Advice and information on benefits, care, disability, housing rights and money and debt. Lunch and transport to and from the centre. Help with accessing social care and health services. Home support and befriending. Support for carers. Range of activities, courses, day trips and outings.
Fife Elderly Forum
Fife Elderly Forum offers these services: Advice, information and advocacy for older people. Subjects covered include benefits, money and debt and care. Campaign on behalf of and represent the interests of older people throughout Fife.
Glasgow Association for Mental Health
Glasgow Association for Mental Health offers these services: Head office for Glasgow Association for Mental Health. Projects across Glasgow, with services including day care, drop-in centres, advice, information, befriending, support groups, advocacy. Carers project. Clubhouse. Home support to City Council tenants. Project for people from ethnic minority communities offering emotional, social and home support. Young carers project.
Family Mediation Grampian (Aberdeen)
Family Mediation Grampian (Aberdeen) offers these services: Mediation for parents who are divorcing or separating. Assists parents to make arrangements for their children (free service but contributions welcome). Time to talk service for children. Legal advice service. Also provides mediation relating to property and financial matters, for which there is a charge. Offices also in Elgin and Peterhead, contact centres in Fraserburgh, Peterhead and Banff.
Jobcentre - Cumnock
Jobcentre - Cumnock offers these services: Combined Jobcentre and Jobseekers Allowance office.
West of Scotland Racial Equality Council
West of Scotland Racial Equality Council offers these services: Support and advice for individuals on racial discrimination and harassment issues in the areas of housing, education, employment and service delivery. Promotes equality of opportunity and works towards the elimination of racial discrimination through campaigning, education and policy work. Provides training courses to organisations on racial equality.
Home-Start Dundee
Home-Start Dundee offers these services: Emotional support and practical help for families with at least one child under 5, who are experiencing stress or difficulties. Families are visited regularly by volunteer befrienders, who are usually parents themselves.
Family Advice and Information Resource (FAIR)
Family Advice and Information Resource (FAIR) offers these services: Telephone information, advice, and referrals on learning disability issues. Subjects covered include benefits, services, health care, leisure pursuits and holidays.
Samaritans - Inverness
Samaritans - Inverness offers these services: Telephone helpline operating 24 hours a day offering emotional support for anyone in crisis. Offers a listening and befriending service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. Open for drop-in visits 10am-6pm daily (not Tues and Sun). The national local rate Samaritans number (08457 90 90 90) can also put callers through without delay to their nearest unengaged branch.
Levenmouth Homeless Trust
Levenmouth Homeless Trust offers these services: Day centre for homeless people and people in housing need. Advice on housing and welfare benefits. Advocacy and representation on eviction, rent issues and neighbour problems. Help with accessing medical services. Drop-in, shower, laundry, bedding bank, low cost cafe. Needle exchange. Free condoms. Pregnancy testing scheme. Also provide a night shelter for people over 16 (tel 01333 351943).
Samaritans of Perth
Samaritans of Perth offers these services: Telephone helpline operating 24 hours a day offering emotional support for anyone in crisis. Offers a listening and befriending service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. Office open for drop-in visits including nighttime visits. The national local rate Samaritans number (08457 90 90 90) can also put callers through without delay to their nearest unengaged branch.
Stair Advice Office
Stair Advice Office offers these services: Advice and information for the local community on a range of issues, including welfare benefits, housing, employment, money and debt.
Dundee CAB
Dundee CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights and employment rights. Representation at social security appeal tribunals and small claims actions.
East Renfrewshire CAB
East Renfrewshire CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt.
Peebles and District CAB
Peebles and District CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights and legal issues.